How to solo-mine the MimbleWimbleCoin ?

Mamie Nova

February 2, 2020

1. Node & Client wallet configuration

1. Firstly, you have to download the node and the client wallet.

2. Then launch the node first and wait for it to synchronize

3. Launch a command prompt and go to the folder where the mwc-wallet.exe is located

4. Enter:

mwc-wallet.exe init

5. Once your wallet created, open your files and go in:


6. Open the file mwc-server.toml

7. Search:

enable_stratum_server = false

8. Replace “false” by “true”

9. Save the file and close it as well as the node and the wallet

10. Reopen the node and wait for it to synchronize

11. When the node is synchronized, launch a command prompt and go to the folder where the mwc-wallet.exe is located

12. On your command prompt type:

mwc-wallet listen

2. Miner configuration

13. Now, you need to download the miner

14. Open the file of the miner and create a text document

15. Type that to mine on the cuckatoo 31 algorithm:

miner.exe — algo grin31 — server — port 3416 — user YOURUSERNAME

16. Now do “save as” and type miner.bat

17. Now, launch the miner.bat

Congrats ! You’re mining !

You can type this in a command prompt if you want to know how many MWC you got:

mwc-wallet.exe info

Utility links

Special thanks to MWC community member Mamie Nova for writing this article.

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